Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Science of Beauty - How important is symmetry?

I have seen documentaries on the science of beauty that claim that symmetry is of utmost importance in whether or not you are beautiful. One source points out, by way of example, that Denzel Washington is almost perfectly symmetrical while Lyle Lovett has an asymmetrical face.

My question is whether symmetrical features result in beauty or are symmetrical features a by-product of beauty? For example, even if Lyle Lovett had symmetry he would not be judged as extremely good looking. So is the axiom saying that unattractive people are by nature not symmetrical? Does an inherent correlation exist between symmetry and beauty - that you can not have one without the other - if you are symmetrical you are beautiful and that if you are unattractive you are by definition not symmetrical?The Science of Beauty - How important is symmetry?
It's much less about symmetary and much more about certain ratios and facial proportions.

I think the proof that it's not about symmetary is in the fact that when you take a picture half of someone's face and reflect it so you have two symmetrical halves, it just looks strange and unnatural.The Science of Beauty - How important is symmetry?
Symmetricalpeople are the most eyecatching. But who the heck cares?! loveand attraction are deeper than symmetry.Old people are still married and more inlove than when they wereyoung and beautiful.Does it suck that our culture praises symmetry,especially if you arent symmetrical?Yes.Life is notfair. Report Abuse

to be corny, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

i don't think we should go by what the views of others are..

we are not cattle to a herd..

beauty is whatever you believe it to be..

symmetry doesn't matter a DAMN to me.

everyone is beautiful in their own, special way. xo
symmetry is an aesthetic which makes people to be considered beautiful and attractive to the eye. i think you could go as far as saying unattractive people are not symmetrical because if they were symmetrical they would then be 'attractive'.

to say beautiful or aesthetically pleasing? is in the eye of the beholder
It is not that people that are asymmetrical are not beautiful, its just that symmetry pleases the eye, we find symmetrical more pleasing. In nature, the Devine Proportion rule comes in to play. If you are interested, do a google on this subject. The number 1.618 repeats itself over and over again in Nature. Check out this's super interesting.鈥?/a> Scroll down until you come to the category Music and start reading from there.. next comes the human body etc.. It explains why symmetry is pleasing to the eye.
I heard about this too. But it is interesting how, if you took a picture of a person and copied one half of their face, flipped it and put it on the other side so it is perfectly symmetrical, the person looks alien like. A video I saw long ago did this with ';beautiful'; celebrities and it looked realistic but they ended up just looking creepy. One of women looked pretty much the same because her face was pretty symmetrical but its interesting to think about.

Even with art. Art that is perfectly symmetrical is considered boring and static.

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