Saturday, December 26, 2009

What would you consider the relationship is between art and beauty?

Love is always beautiful; if it is ugly it is not love. So why is art considered beautiful even if it is down right ugly?

What do you consider art? How do you perceive beauty? I have been trying to answer these questions for months and have gotten nowhere. I would really like to have some heart felt answers please, not something copied from a website, but written from the heart and mind of the writer.What would you consider the relationship is between art and beauty?
Art can represent beauty, but it can also provoke other emotions. Or get people to think.

Schindler's List was a magnificent movie, but dealt with horrific subject matter.

Picasso's Gurenica is also great art - it makes a statement but portrays the tragedy of war.

I have often defined art as either something difficult to reproduce - the exquisite Greek and Roman statues found in museums, a wonderful painting, or a symphony - or something less so, although also totally original. (Like the paintings at the Metropolitan museum in NYC - the first person to present a plain white canvas with a red stripe gets credit for the idea.)

So a faithful reproduction of something ugly can be great art.

I'm not schooled in art history, but there's a layman's view.What would you consider the relationship is between art and beauty?
Art is the STUDY of the different techniques you can use.In order to do real art you have to prepare yourself. Art is intentional and rational, you can express ideas, you have standardized rules for it.There are many definitions for art

In the other hand Beauty or aesthetic is based on subjective opinions ,has to do with emotions and feelings, your five senses are involved.In art something ';ugly or grotesque'; can be ';beautifully '; expressed on a painting. Also depend on the culture around the person, Time, space, and experiences.
Actually, I think love can be downright ugly as well.

I consider ';art'; to be something that evokes a response/emotion. That emotion doesn't have to be ';happiness and light.'; In fact, happiness and light are easy to represent, easy to recognize, and, as odd as it sounds hearing myself say this, can be kind of mundane.

It's the darker things about ourselves that we seek to resolve...there's nothing we need to really EXAMINE about beauty, perfection, and contentment. They make great things to hang over the sofa in the living room, but they're not so interesting to sit in a gallery and contemplate.

Sometimes a person's expression of pain, or other dark emotion, can be beautiful...just the risk they took expressing it, the fact that they got it OUTSIDE themselves. Maybe it's not just the end result that we find interesting or worthy of being called ';art'; but the process of drawing that out from oneself.
Art has long set the standards for beauty in a given era. Whether it's chubby Rubeneque beauties or Twiggy, the arts depict and beauty follows.

Many people wouldn't appreciate a still life with dead rabbits and pheasants in their dining rooms today, but it was quite fashionable at the time.
sleep with beauty, mastbate on playboy
Sorry to use a cliche but Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Not all art is considered beautiful at all, that's an incorrect assumption. If you think that a painting is ugly then it's ugly, beauty is not always a universal truth but a very subjective concept. I consider art to be anything creative; paintings, sculptures and even more obscure art like painting chewing gum on London pavements but just because it is art it doesn't automatically mean it is good!
The first answer on the list is a good one. I'm not a big art fan, but I live in a town that has a good college, and they get new exhibits every couple of months in their art gallery. My wife and I always go see them, because she enjoys it. I like the pieces that you can feel the passion of the artist come through. You can tell if the artist was just working on a piece to make a piece, or if they were putting their heart and soul into it. That is where the beauty comes out. Like the old cliche' says, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I don't know if art is exactly about beauty. I think art is about the artist expressing theirself with passion, love, joy, or pain.

Most of the great sculptures, paintings, movies, and musical pieces of our time are based upon events or feelings that are down-right ugly, but the finished piece is beautiful because of the passion and love the artist put into it.
Remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder...I do have to disagree with you when you say love is A L W A Y S beautiful, no it isn't, and yes you can still call it must have never experience and Art...Beauty is a state of mind where You may think it is or isn't pretty, that is your choice. Art is a physical thing, something someone has created (painted, sculptured etc...but ironically they both can touch the heart, just writing this excerpt warms my heat thinking of the two...This is why we are individuals , having our own opinions...and how we perceive things...sometimes it is all up to you,making choices...whats pretty to me can be down right ugly to may love the Mona Lisa I may detest it. Choices and opinions ..Like I said... it is all up to y o u.........
I don't think that all art is necessarily beautiful. And I don't think that art even strives to be beautiful (not all the time). Art is not synonymous with love.

I consider art to be a thing designed to provoke an emotional response, something meant to provoke thought or express an idea. The word art has a very broad definition.

The Dali Lama has an interesting perspective on what beauty is, which I agree with. It is also a very broad (nebulous) definition. I'll try to paraphrase: One can find beauty in anything - war, love, anything - it's user defined. He asks: Can even the art of killing be considered beauty, especially painless killing?
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