Sunday, April 25, 2010

Life is filled with remarkable beauty. What is the most beautiful thing that you have seen?

Describe why you think it is so beautiful. Whether it is a fixed object like Mount Fiji, something that passes like rainbows or the aurora borealis, something that you see transpire like teaching a child, or something that is a reaction like leaves falling from the Autumn wind, make sure that it is something that is visible.Life is filled with remarkable beauty. What is the most beautiful thing that you have seen?
A beautiful, lush, green leaf(it was like a fern with huge leafs). It had just rained and the way the water droplets sat on it gave me the feeling of nature at its best, most tranquil, peaceful, thriving moments. It was so lush and vibrant with it's green color as small beams of sunlight hit it. The water droplets to me meant simple beauty at it's best. They way nature depends on itself to regenerate, i found some enlightenment in seeing that, for some reason.Life is filled with remarkable beauty. What is the most beautiful thing that you have seen?
a double rainbow over a 1500 metre waterfal is so beautifuil
My wife
Seeing my son for the first time.

For nine months, I wondered what he would look like, if he would even make it to term. I watched my belly grow, something I had only witnessed in other women. Never me, I thought. But I got bigger, then I felt him kick, and finally I went into labor. Six hours later, after excrutiating pain and a lot of pushing, my son popped out and in one vivid moment, he was placed upon my chest, this tiny 6 lb. person. A part of me, a part of my husband, and a part that was all his own. The most glorious moment of my life. The most beautiful creature I have ever seen. And my best work.
I don't think the most beautiful things in life are visible.. but...

My cat's facial expression when he looks up at me lovingly as I hold him in my arms.

The way the light from your headlights lights up a country road at night.

At night, when you are out away from the city near a house that is lit up, if you look off into the darkness when all the fireflys are out and all you can see is the swaying grass fading into darkness with tiny flashes of light sparkling EVERYWHERE. :)

I like this because it looks like another world. I wrote a poem about this once too. But It is pretty simple! So I don't know if you could call it a poem, lol

';I wish I could walk away into the darkness






But sad to know the night only covers up the day.';

Niagara Falls. No other waterfall looks as magnificent after you've seen this one.
To me there is nothing more beautiful than a huge, genuine light-up-the-whole-world smile on the wizened face of a very elderly man or woman. You just know that the thing that could set off a smile like that in a person who has seen and experienced everything has to be very special indeed.
myself of course!
A comet
My terri-poo.

when he runs, his ears blow/flap in the breeze. he looks ecstatic.
One of the most beautiful sites is that of new eyes, by that I mean looking into the eyes of a newborn child knowing that it is the first time those eyes have looked at anything. It is even more special when the child is yours or connected to you in some way.

The way the sunshine reflects off of you care about hair, maybe they are sitting in the sun thinking and you catch a glimpse of them with the light reflecting off the hair.

The light you see in your lovers eyes, when he/she looks at you and you know that you are loved.

I could go on and on, the things I think are beautiful change every day depending on what I see.

The birth of my children and watching them grow I think it is because they are a small part of me and my husband.
there is no greater artist or masterpiece than nature
Beauty comes in many forms of course. Personally, seeing my son born in the delivery room was 'tre bon'. Landscape, high on a bluff overlooking the Pecos River in West Texas at sun down. Silverton Colorado in August was nice, The Grand Canyon and Hoover Dam from the air was cool. But to observe a child finally reach the realization that they are capable of something they thought impossible is really priceless.

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