Sunday, April 25, 2010

What's your idea of beauty and how does it compare to society?

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but every society has its own ideal. What's your idea of beauty - be it of the same or opposite gender - and is it in line with those around you?What's your idea of beauty and how does it compare to society?
beauty is just not about looks. Its about how the person carries himself i all aspects-like behavior,attitude,sense of responsibility,which makes the other person think that he or she is beautifulWhat's your idea of beauty and how does it compare to society?
That's a serious toughie. Let me help you out as best as I can. I think beauty has yet to be defined. After much thought and study, I've come up with an educated conclusion. Beauty is unwritten and untrue. There's no real meaning to it. A lot of meanings are associated with beauty, but there's no real meaning. If beauty affects and compares to society, I'll have to work on finding answers on that too. I guess beauty really does come from the mind and soul, and outer beauty isn't essential. A lot of different races are beautiful, not just the exotic Asians or the modernized Americans - everyone truly is beautiful in their own way. I never understood the whole ';beauty is in the eye of the beholder'; and it doesn't explain much. I try to not say that very often, because it's not helpful at all.

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